The research in absolute land rent of marx's theory must be linked with and innovate the la-bor axiology. 研究马克思的绝对地租理论,必须联系和创新劳动价值论。
The value of mineral resources consists of absolute mineral rent and the first differential mineral rent on the basis of effect value theory, default value theory and Marx s ground rent theory. 矿产资源的价值理论以效用价值理论和稀缺价值理论为基础,加上马克思的地租理论,从而可以得出矿产资源的价值由绝对矿租和第一级差矿租两部分组成。
In the same department where there exists different labor productivity, a small amount of individual labors are converted into multiple necessary labors, which functions as the condition of the formation of absolute land rent and differential land rent. 少量个别劳动折合为多量必要劳动的另一种类型,发生在同一部门内存在不同劳动生产率的场合,这正是绝对地租和级差地租形成的条件。
When the organic constitution of agricultural capital equals to or exceeds the social average constitution, absolute land rent comes from the total social profit. 当农业资本有机构成等于或超过社会平均构成时,绝对地租来源于社会总利润额。
The money paid for mineral right is composed of the re assessed exploration cost, exploration average profit, a little absolute differential rent and the first differential rent. 矿业权价款由勘查重置成本及其平均利润,再加少部分绝对矿租和第一形态级差矿租构成。
Absolute land rent is one of the most characteristic Marxism land rent theory, not a redundancy. 绝对地租理论是马克思地租理论中最具特点的理论,不是理论的赘瘤。
The absolute rent will disappear then and the property right of land will change accordingly. 绝对地租消失,土地所有权的实现形式随之发生变化。
The theoretical thinking about category of absolute land rent in agricultural economy 对农业经济中绝对地租范畴的理论思考
The mineral resources original value ( the mineral resources before exploration) reflects the excess profit, which includes the absolute differential rent and the first differential rent. 未经勘查的矿产资源即有原有价值,体现为超额利润&绝对矿租和第一形态级差矿租。
As long as land ownership exists, whatever condition the capitalist land ownership is under, absolute land rent will not disappear. 资本主义土地关系不论在哪种情况下,只要土地所有权存在,绝对地租就不会消失。
This paper examines in depth Marx's view that absolute rent will disappear once the organic composition of agricultural capital reaches or exceeds the level of the average composition of social capital. 本文较为深入地发掘了马克思关于绝对地租将随着农业资本有机构成达到或超过社会平均资本构成而消失的思想。
Some Issues on Absolute Rent Theory 关于绝对地租理论的几个问题&兼与杨学成同志商榷
K.Marx ′ s Theory of Absolute Land Rent and Reality 马克思的绝对地租理论与现实
The Organic Composition of Agricultural Capital and Absolute Rent& A Challenge to the Argument of Monopoly of Price Leads to Absolute Rent Rent on Farming Land 农业资本有机构成与绝对地租&垄断价格绝对地租说质疑
According to Marx's Rent Theory, marine resource can be divided into two types: absolute rent and graded rent. 按照马克思的地租理论,海洋生态资源具有绝对地租和级差地租两种形式。
Farming land resources rents have an effect on prices. farming land resources rents are economically realization form of property right and include differential rent 、 absolute rent and monopoly rent, which influence farming land resources 'prices to a certain degree. 关于农用土地资源地租对价格的影响,农用土地资源地租是土地所有权在经济上的实现形式,农用土地资源地租包含级差地租、绝对地租和垄断地租,其对农用土地资源价格有一定程度的影响。
The former is called the graded mine rent and the latter absolute mine rent and they are the excess profit obtained by the equation of existing income value. 前者就是级差矿租和绝对矿租(统称为矿租或矿山地租),是通过收益现值法公式计算出来的超额利润。
Improvement in the absolute land rent of Marx's theory On Land Requisition bloody land 对马克思绝对地租理论的改进&兼谈劳动价值论的创新
In socialist society, absolute land rent still exists. 社会主义社会绝对地租仍然存在。
In the absolute durable condition, the optimal policy is to rent the durable goods completely. 耐用品完全耐用时,厂商的最优策略是全部出租耐用品。